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Cruentus - Audition Of Your Modern Nitemare


Cruentus - Audition Of Your Modern Nitemare

2006-10-03 / Vesper / Reads: 6190

In times when we are threatened by the country getting deserted due to the young and talented emigrating to work and live elsewhere it's scary to think what will happen to our alternative scene. I won't hide that all pop productions made in Poland just don't get to me, but...

Accomplice Affair - Act of Creation


Accomplice Affair - Act of Creation

2006-10-19 / Kacper / Reads: 5896

Accomplice Affair is a one-person project which falls into the genre of dark-ambient/experiment. Today, having so many tools to your disposition, the suggested material is rather to be treated as a draft than a complete album. The lack of space, dull sounds or poor quality surely do not show an effort...

NUN - Stop!


NUN - Stop!

2006-10-26 / Lejdi / Reads: 10374

Probably the most popular song of the band is presented in five different versions. One could think it's such a well-known one that nothing can be done with it.Well, it's not quite true. 'Marc Mooga Remix' opens the CD - it's quite a pleasant background for the already-known text....

Suicide Commando - Bind, Torture, Kill


Suicide Commando - Bind, Torture, Kill

2006-11-03 / Nathashah / Reads: 14794

"There's much killing to be done". This musical tornado swept everyone off of their feet long ago! The question is: is there anyone on this earth, who will submit to them more and more? Despite other people, who scream, that it's their end, I won't be broken! This tornado keeps...

Bremenn - Promo


Bremenn - Promo

2006-11-08 / Vesper / Reads: 7855

Bremenn... A new Rammstein clone perhaps? Similar name, and you don't have to look too far for the same image - allright, maybe the vocalist isn't so germanically massive. Let's look at bio... Where from? Lublin? Perhaps a family of a certain Magician from a book by Izaac Singer?...

Bocksholm - The Haunting Curse of Skogs-Sara


Bocksholm - The Haunting Curse of Skogs-Sara

2006-12-02 / Kacper / Reads: 4774

Have you ever wondered what an ant-hill sprinkled with acid would sounds like? Have you imagined random tourists caught in a rusty snare while weaving a ledeburite thread through the noise material? Or maybe you read a jackhammer operator's manual drinking mercurty from plastic cups? The answers...

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